At Raf & Co we have years of education and consulting experience.
Raf has been an SCA Educator since 2016 and for most of this time has been teaching all the SCA Modules all over the world. Since 2019 Raf & Co has been running its own courses which are based from all the years of experience to really make a practical education system that pushes students skills focused on real world applications.

Bellow you can find links to our Raf & Co courses and to the SCA courses we offer.

We suggest looking at both to see what suits your needs.


Before choosing a program we ask you to think about three points:

  1. Do you want intense training or slow progression that motivates your staff?

  2. Does your business need the staff trained to the highest levels or do you want them to improve the key skills only?

  3. The SCA certificates are good but does your business philosophy match what is being taught?

Many times w have run SCA training only to have the business struggle after. Having highly skilled baristas with a new set of skills can be problematic when all that is needed is to make good coffee consistently with reduced wastage and more efficinecy.
This is why more often it is better to do tailored course based on the Raf & Co modular system.